http_client_intercept ===================== .. automodule:: wsgi_intercept.http_client_intercept .. warning:: This intercept will fail to install if you access access HTTPConnection or HTTPSConnection before the intercept is installed. For example, do not use "from http.client import HTTPConnection". Instead, "import http.client" and reference http.client.HTTPConnection after the intercept is installed. Example: .. testcode:: try: import http.client as http_lib except ImportError: import httplib as http_lib from wsgi_intercept import ( http_client_intercept, add_wsgi_intercept, remove_wsgi_intercept ) def app(environ, start_response): start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')]) return [b'Whee'] def make_app(): return app host, port = 'localhost', 80 http_client_intercept.install() add_wsgi_intercept(host, port, make_app) HTTPConnection = http_lib.HTTPConnection client = HTTPConnection(host) client.request('GET', '/') response = client.getresponse() content = assert content == b'Whee' remove_wsgi_intercept(host, port) http_client_intercept.uninstall()